the great raleigh yard sale!
april 5-6, 2025
selling your stuff has never been easier!
Spring Cleaning? Marie Kondo-ing? Just need a general purge? Don't bother with your own yard sale, join in
The Great Raleigh Yard Sale!
* No strangers coming to your house
* No need to advertise * More fun with others!
You rent the space, we'll bring the shoppers!
how it works:
Pre-registration and pre-payment is required.
Participants can choose to sell one day or both days.
The cost is $30/day, $50/weekend.
Spaces are 10' x 20', same as a parking space.
Participants are required to unload their merchandise and move their car to the parking lot by 9:00 am.
No entry after 8:45 am will be allowed.
Participant must set up in assigned space.
All items must fit into assigned space with no spillover; multiple spaces can be purchased.
Questions? Email